The Book Shelf
Discover the best contemporary theological writing, from past shortlists to recommendations from our previous winners, and find a book to inspire you on our bookshelf.

Holiness and Desire
Jessica Martin

Imitating Jesus
Richard Burridge

Jesus and the Eyewitnesses
Richard Bauckham

Jesus and the Subversion of Violence
Thomas Yoder Neufeld

Lifting the Veil
Malcolm Guite

Living and Active
Telford Work

Making All Things New
Ilia Delio

On Human Worth
Duncan B Forrester

Preaching the Atonement
Peter Stevenson and Stephen Wright

Temple Theology
Margaret Barker

The Contagion of Jesus
Sebastian Moore

The Dark Womb
Karen O’Donnell

The Hermeneutics of Doctrine
Anthony Thiselton

The Love That Is God
Frederick Christian Bauerschmidt

The Making of Biblical Womanhood
Beth Allison Barr

The Re-enchantment of Morality
Richard Harries

The Resurrection of the Son of God
N T Wright

The Soul of the Embryo
David Jones

The Splash of Words
Mark Oakley

The Theology of Everything
Keith Eyeons

The Wayfarer
Barnabé Anzuruni Msabah

This Sacred Life
Norman Wirzba

Francis Spufford

Up with Authority
Victor Lee Austin